Posting Foun

Home Refinance LoanVirtuC Ami hanesan grupu istuda nebe kompostu husi estudantes husi area de istuda Teknik Informatika, Sistim Informasi, Teknik Komputer, Manajemen Informatika no Desain Komunikasi Visual. Iha Loron balun atu mai ami espera katak bele iha tan membros balun nebe nak iha interese hnesan atu join ami nia grupu de istuda nee...

Kontinua Le'e

Materias de Istuda Sei istuda buat hotu kona ba ICT (Information and Communication Technology) nebe starta husi Komputador hanesan ninian main tool to be use, nomos sei uja simulator balun nebe mak iha relasaun ho area de istuda...

Kontinua Le'e

Membros Membros ne'e sei kompostu husi estudantes Timoroan iha Bandung nebe mak istuda iha area ICT nian. Iha tinan oin mai, ba membros nebe mak sei join ho grupu ne'e sei hal'o uluk lai projeitu kiik ida nebe mak kona-ba ICT molok atu join ho grupu nee...

Kontinua Le'e

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

CDT: ISP Level Gmail Phishing

Via @torproject comes a link to a China Digital TImes (a site run at Berkeley) that gives just a brief notice that some users behind the GFW are having their gmail login attempts redirected to hxxp:// where they are asked to enter their password. Chinese users reporting this redirect believe that the redirects are being performed by the ISP. Interestingly, is a CNC host in Xinjiang.

At the time of this post the hxxp:// site is not operating (from the US or the PRC according to webpulse).

The original info apparently came from ntdtv:
中国ISP騙取gmail密码 被現場抓獲

UPDATE: I was looking closely at the screen cap that shows the source and it appears that part of the phishing app is hosted on, which doesn’t presently have an IP address assigned although the DNS record was updated on August 10.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Patria - Patria - Hino Nacional de Timor-Leste

Atu halo estudantes sira aprende ou dekor lais liu hino nacional de Timor Leste nian,
iha nee ami halo ona file animasaun kiik ida nebe mak bele download ho livre
nomos fahe ou distribui ho livre ba belun sira seluk.
File Animasaun Kiik Hino Nacional de Timor Leste nee bele uja iha serimonia hanesan 20 de Maio ou 28 de Novembro
kada tinan ou bele uja mos iha tempo saida deit. File kiik nee dejenhu husi VIRTU-C no oferese
ba IMPETIL-BANDUNG atu bele uja wainhira atu halao serimonia saida deit.

Features husi FILE Animasaun nee mak hanesan:
1. Bandeira RDTL nebe animasaun
2. Cantico Hino Nacional
3. Lyrics Hino Nacional
4. PLAY and STOP button

File ne'e bele download iha :

Karik downloaded ona, extract file nee uluk lai antes atu uja.

\m/ \m/

Notas: Kritika no sujestaun bele hato'o liu husi form komentarius nebe prepara ona nee.
Kmanek Wa'in. Karik file nee loke ladiak, favor ida kontaktu ami liu husi form komentarius.
Karik liafuan balun sala, favor ida fo hatene mai ami liu husi form komentarius ne'e.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tutorial Sobre LINUX BASICO

Belun sira download deti nia tutorial iha nee:


Monday, January 4, 2010

Forum Diskusaun Livre

Forum Diskusaun Livre

Belun sira, communidade virtual (VIRTU-C) nebe hanesan grupu istuda no pesquisa
ba ICT nebe hamahun husi IMPETIL - BANDUNG aprezenta forum diskusaun
ba Timoroan hotu atu rejista-an nomos hato'o no fahe ita boot nia ideas
sira iha forum ne'e. Forum ne'e mos hanesan:
1. Forum ILMIAH nebe diskuti kona-ba materias iskola universitariu
2. Forum ba husu perguntas i resposta sobre area de istuda iha universitariu ba estudantes sira nebe foin
akaba ensino sekundaria no sei konfusaun kona ba area de istudu nebe mak atu foti.
3. Fahe LINK Website nian hanesan referensia istudu no pesquisa.
4. Fatin atu fahe informasaun sobre notisias nebe mak akontese iha rai laran nomos rai liur.
5. Fatin atu debates nomos diskute sobre issues nebe mak akontese iha rai laran nomos rai liur.

Forum nee hanesan media ida atu fahe ideas nomos share experiencias sobre topiku hirak nebe relevante nomos
ho objektivu atu fo matenek nomos informasaun ba ema seluk atu kompleta nia istudu ou atu hetan
kompriende ba buat hirak nebe nia seidauk kompriende. Liafuan nomos link ba buat nebe la hatudu
Timoroan nia kustume sei LABELE hakerek iha nee, author sira nebe mak tau LINK nomos uja liafuan nebe
la reprezenta Timoroan nia kustume ami sei hamo'os tiha husi forum nee.

Atu halo rejistu bele klik deit iha nee: forumlivre

"Hamutuk Ita Bele"


Monday, December 28, 2009

Google Timor Leste

Belun Sira,

Atu surfing iha internet nomos atu buka buat ruma iha google, diak liu ita boot buka ho GOOGLE TIMOR LESTE nia.
Kompanhia Google release ona google ba Timor Leste atu uja ho domain ponto tl (.tl).

ATu halo google nee existe liu entaun ita boot sira bele set deit address internet explorer ita boot sira nian ba

Atu koko hare pagina google Timor Leste entaun klik deit iha nee: GOOGLE-TIMOR LESTE


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Membros Virtual Nia Blog

La'o neneik - neneik ida nee mak slogan nebe agora dadaun applicable hela ho membros Virtual C nia membros...

Kraik nee mak membros VirtualC nia blog:

NB: Hau haluha sira balun nia link na, karik iha karik fo det comment mai iha blog nee dpois mak tau ita boot sira nia LINK ha nee...
\m/ \m/


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sorumutu IKUS

Naran nebe mak ohin attende sorumutu final grupu istuda ICT nian iha Bandung(Iha Brother CEKO)nia fatin mak tuir mai ne'e:

1. Ezequiel do Santos Gusmao (jack)

2. Francisco X. Noronha (checko)

3. Jose Maria do Rego Caetano (jecka)

4. Francisco C. Sarmento (sico)

5. Julio Babo (paciri)

6. Jony da Luz C. Martins (jhoo)

7. Roger da Cruz (focu)

8. Zenio G. N. M. (zeane)

9. Cipriano henriques (anno macho)

10. Irnal g.d.j. ximenes (gandalfth)

11. Nilton da conceicao boavida (nilton)

12. Marciano Costa (ScriptS/QiboT)

13. Edi

14. Niko



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